Category KnK D2:R


Hey duelers!

Here at KnK:D2R we are very interested in starting an HLD NLSC event! We’re looking for ideas! Such as 1v1, tvt, ffa, ect? Rules (If any) Hah! But this can’t be done without our beloved members.

Please post your comments either here or on Discord in the #events-discussion channel (or both). Not registered or on Discord yet? Easy fix! Click on Website to register on the website, or Discord to join us on Discord!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Website Registration OPEN!

Great news!

Website registration is now available. What does this mean? This means you’re amazing and would like to comment on our content and even perhaps be an Author (If you wish, ofc!)! Exciting, isn’t it?

We’re looking to grow, grow, and well, GROW! So we encourage you to register & comment, be an author even! And give of some of your own words!

Join us in our adventures and register via the registration link on the bottom right 🙂

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Content Suggetions

Hello KnK Community! As you can see, we have an operational website! But it’s missing something.. What? You guessed it. You, you’re thoughts and ideas! We need more content, such as Category topics, Static page topics, media/videos ect.

If this is something you’d like to be part of, please free to contact me Rattles@Discord or Kreitz@Discord. Your participation is greatly appreciated and we’re looking forward to your pecking BRAINS!

Anyone questions? Just Axe! Cheers!

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Hey, welcome to KnK D2:R (Killers & Kings Diablo 2 Resurrected) NLSC Discord group.

The launch of our website is here! We have so many plans and adventures to embark on. To do this, we need you! Consider joining us in our daily foolishness and of course always fun and entertaining activities. If you love Diablo 2 Resurrected and it’s Legacy, then this is the group for you!

Pop over to our About page to learn about who we are, what we do and why you should join! You’re journey truly begins with us.

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